Megakaryocyte and platelet group
at the Department of Experimental Biomedicine I, University Hospital Wuerzburg
| 2023:
Check out our new method paper on rapid isolation of murine megakaryocytes:
Very much looking forward to attending the Gordon Conference on Megakaryocytes and Platelets in Lucca, Italy.
Dmitri is a new member in our group! Welcome!
| 2022:
Two publications and one cover image Volume 6 Issue 24 | Blood Advances | American Society of Hematology ( at the end of the year! Congratulations Markus and Juliane! Thanks to our collaborators!
Petra is a new member and will support our team! Welcome!
We will have an oral presentation at the EUPLAN 2022 in Milan!
Severin is a new member in our group!
Our first Optogenetics- Megakaryocyte paper is published!
Finally a conference in person again! We will have an oral and a poster presentation at the ISTH2022 in London!
Professor for Cardiovascular Cell Biologie!!! Yeah!
Laura and Noah will perform their Bachelor thesis in our lab!
| 2021:
Yannick and Pascal will perform their Bachelor thesis in our lab!
Acceptance into the Heisenberg Programme of the DFG!
Project funding approved by the DFG!
After 6 years, the Emmy Noether Programme will end! This programme allowed us to build up this lab group!
| 2020:
Katharina Ermer joins our group for her Master thesis! Welcome!
PRIMO Micropattern System from Alveole finally arrived!
The biomedical students Nathalie Reus, Sarah Seidel and Tamara Nahm will start their Bachelor work in our group!
Markus Bender was honoured with the Alexander Schmidt Award 2020 of the GTH !!!
| 2019:
Congratulations Yvonne! Publication in Blood: „Lamellipodia formation is not required for thrombus formation and stability“
Invited talk in Magdeburg about the role of ADAP in platelet prodution! Thank you to our collaboration partner Annegret Reinhold!
Congratulations Yvonne to your first first-author paper! Scientific Reports: „The cytoskeletal crosslinking Protein MACF1 is dispensable for thrombus formation and hemostasis“
Welcome Hanna Müller (Bachelor student) and Maren Marder (Master student) in our lab group!
Two oral presentations at the ISTH2019 congress! Congratulations to our PhD students Markus and Yvonne. We will fly to Melbourne!
| 2018:
We are on Twitter now: @bender_lab Follow our lab!
Method paper published in Platelets!
Aurbach K, Spindler M, Haining EJ, Bender M, Pleines I.
Blood collection, platelet isolation and measurement of platelet count and size in mice-a practical guide.
Platelets. 2018 Oct 22:1-10. doi: 10.1080/09537104.2018.1528345.
Online link for free copies:
Oral presentations from our group at EUPLAN 2018, ECTH and ISTH-SETH 2018 Workshop.
Comment with Oliver Otto online:
Bender M and Otto O.
No escape-a novel tool to quantify platelet intra-thrombus movements.
Thromb Haemost. 2018 Sept 118: 1515-1516.
New book chapter:
Gekle S and Bender M.
Chapter: Red blood cell and platelet mechanics.
Book: Cardiovascular mechanics (edited by Labrosse MF)
Publisher: CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group; 1st ed.
Congratulations, Markus, superb work!
Spindler M, van Eeuwijk JMM, Schurr Y, Nurden P, Nieswandt B, Stegner D, Reinhold A, Bender M.
ADAP deficiency impairs megakaryocyte polarization with ectopic proplatelet release and causes microthrombocytopenia.
Blood. 2018 Jun 27. pii: blood-2018-01-829259. doi: 10.1182/blood-2018-01-829259.
Our contribution to a review series:
Pleines I, Cherpokova D, Bender M.
Rho GTPases and their downstream effectors in megakaryocyte biology.
Platelets. 2018 Jun 18:1-8. doi: 10.1080/09537104.2018.1478071.
New paper about Profilin 1:
Stritt S, Birkholz I, Beck S, Sorrentino S, Sapra KT, Viaud J, Heck J, Gaits-Iacovoni F, Schulze H, Du X, Hartwig JH, Braun A, Bender M, Medalia O, Nieswandt B.
Profilin 1-mediated cytoskeletal rearrangements regulate integrin function in mouse platelets.
Blood Adv. 2018 May 8;2(9):1040-1045. doi: 10.1182/bloodadvances.2017014001.
Blood Paper with Inside Blood comment!
Gupta S, Cherpokova D, Spindler M, Morowski M, Bender M, Nieswandt B.
GPVI signaling is compromised in newly formed platelets after acute thrombocytopenia in mice.
Blood. 2018 Mar 8;131(10):1106-1110. doi: 10.1182/blood-2017-08-800136. Epub 2018 Jan 2.
TR240 (Wuerzburg-Tuebingen) finally approved: 14 mio Euros for 4 years!
| 2017:
Markus will talk about current developments in hemostaseology with the focus on platelets at the annual meeting of the German speaking society in the area of hematology and oncology in Stuttgart.
Publication of a regular article; great job, Simon!
Stritt S, Beck S, Becker IC, Vögtle T, Hakala M, Heinze KG, Du X, Bender M, Braun A, Lappalainen P, Nieswandt B.
Twinfilin 2a is a regulator of platelet reactivity and turnover in mice.
Blood 2017, Jul 25; doi: 10.1182/blood-2017-02-770768. [Epub ahead of print]
Our contribution to the ISTH Meeting in Berlin: one invited talk at the Scientific and Standardization Committee (SSC) Meeting, one selected talk and awarded with the Young Investigator Award (Congrats Markus S.) and one poster presentation
Markus is invited to speak at the Gordon Research Conference “Cell Biology of Megakaryocytes and Platelets” in Lucca, Italy organized by Ben Kile and Wolfgang Bergmeier
Finally….book release. We also contributed one chapter:
Bender M and Nieswandt B.
Chapter: Mouse models for platelet production and function.
Book: Molecular and cellular biology of platelet formation (edited by Schulze H and Italiano I)
Publisher: Springer; 1st ed. 2016 edition (15 Feb. 2017)
Retreat of our department near Bamberg – science and fun!
| 2016:
Prof. Dr. Harry Heijnen, University Utrecht, is our invited speaker
Markus Bender visits the Gachet group in Strasbourg
We moved from building D15 to D16!!!!
Ruth Kranz starts working as a MD student
Yvonne Schurr is part of the organization team of the EUREKA Symposium; Karin Hoffmeister is one of the invited speakers!
Yvonne Ruoss is now Yvonne Schurr! Congratulations!!!
3rd EUPLAN Meeting: Markus (Keynote Lecture) & Markus (selected oral abstract) will attend!
Hendrikje Kurz is a new MD student in the lab
Markus Bender talks about recent advances in platelet basic research at the Frankfurter Coagulation Symposium
Christopher Nauroth submits his Bachelor thesis
Our team has a new member: Lucy Reil starts her medical doctoral thesis
Review in Platelets:
Bender M et al. “Model systems for platelet receptor shedding.”
Christopher Nauroth performs his Bachelor work in our group
Markus Spindler gives an oral presentation at the GTH in Münster
Dr. Carsten Deppermann joins the group as a Postdoc for a few months before he will be heading to Canada
| 2015:
Yvonne Ruoss attends the PHENOMIN Workshop in Strasbourg
Anastasia Kuzkina joins the group and will perform a 6-weeks internship
Markus Bender is an invited speaker at the UK Platelet Meeting 2015 in Leicester
Markus Bender is invited to the Bayer AG in Wuppertal and will give a presentation
Markus Bender gives a presentation at the 6th Graduate Schools Day of the GSLS in Wuerzburg
Markus Bender is an invited speaker at the Bayer Foundation Alumni Dialogue 2015 in Berlin: “Science with the patient in mind”
ISTH congress in Toronto: Markus Bender gives an oral presentation
Yvonne Ruoss is a new PhD student in our group
Markus Bender is a speaker at the 50th Angiological Symposium in Kitzbühel
Markus Spindler is a new PhD student in the lab
Poster presentation at the Gordon Conference in Lucca, Italy
Katharina Brugger performs her Bachelor thesis in the group
Markus Bender becomes an Emmy Noether Group leader supported by the DFG
– see press release:
“(…) Dr. Markus Bender is heading up a new Emmy Noether junior research group at the University of Würzburg. Armed with around 1.2 million euros, he will be able to pursue his research over the next five years. This will revolve entirely around thrombocytes and their creation. Thrombocytes, commonly known as platelets, (…)”
– source:
Bayer Thrombosis Research Award 2015 goes to Dr. Markus Bender
– see press release:
“(…) The second winner of the Bayer Thrombosis Research Award has been chosen: the Scientific Committee of the Bayer Science & Education Foundation has awarded the EUR 30,000 prize to Dr. Markus Bender in recognition of his work on Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome. Dr. Bender showed that the severe blood clotting and immune system disorders in patients suffering from this condition are attributable to a deficiency of the cytoskeleton-stabilizing protein profilin-1 in the precursor cells of blood platelets. This could open up new opportunities for the early detection and treatment of this severe illness in future. (…) ”
Publication in Blood in collaboration with the Steve Watson group:
Alshehri OM, Hughes CE, et al. “Fibrin activates GPVI in human and mouse platelets.”
Publication in Blood:
Bender M, Giannini S, et al. “Dynamin 2-dependent endocytosis is required for normal megakaryocyte development.”
Inside Blood comment on our manuscript “Microtubule sliding drives proplatelet elongation and is dependent on cytoplasmic dynein.”:
Publication in Blood:
Bender M, Thon JN, et al. “Microtubule sliding drives proplatelet elongation and is dependent on cytoplasmic dynein.”
Review in Hamostaseologie:
Vögtle T et al. “Targeting platelet receptors in thrombotic and thrombo-inflammatory disorders.”